Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This is funny you should watch it

Evening Links

Very Funny Admin...
Oh Google, you so racist.
How magnets really work
....What's this all about?
Command and Conquer Red Alert 1 is back in action
Don't piss off Ghandi, seriously.
"Hi son I'm using your money again..."
A History of zombies in video games.
6 Iconic jobs that are going away forever
If movie characters didn't make horrible decisions

R.I.P Greg Giraldo

"If they cremate Greg Giraldo will that be the Roast of Greg Giraldo?" - Gilbert Gottfried
edited: now with video!


Domino's pizza is starting to offer breakfast pizzas.

Isn't it ironic?

Nestlé plans to launch new line of foods that help combat the health related problems caused by their other line of foods. Link

Bacon Kevin Bacon

Artist Mike Lahue created a bust of Kevin Bacon out of....bacon!

Why, you ask?

Well, they ask, “Why not?”

Actually, there is a good reason. The bust is going up for sale on eBay this afternoon to benefit Ashley’s Team, a group that helps children with cancer and their families.

92 years later...

The first world war officially ends this sunday ...wait what?

morning links

How could George Lucas ruin Star Wars any more? Oh yeah, by rereleasing all 6 movies in 3D.
If celebrities used their real names
I'm not surprised this guy goes by "Richard"
Cee-lo Green's "Fuck You" covered by an NES
The Incredibly Depressing  Mega Millions Lottery Simulator!
Getting closer to the robot apocalypse every day.
Man leaves porn torrent downloading over night.
Steampunk Professor X wheelchair curiosly missing steampunk Professor X.

[xkcd above]

Early morning

Damn dude you've got some crazy hai... wait wtf?